Category Archives: Competency Explorer

What am I doing here? 2. Open Competencies Network

I am continuing my January review of the projects that I am working on with this post about my work on the Open Competencies Network (OCN). OCN is a part of the T3 Network of Networks, which is an initiative of US Chamber of Commerce Foundation aiming to explore “emerging technologies and standards in the talent marketplace to create more equitable and effective learning and career pathways.” Not surprisingly the Open Competencies Network (OCN) focuses on Competencies, but we understand that term broadly, including any “assertions of academic, professional, occupational, vocational and life goals, outcomes … for example knowledge, skills and abilities, capabilities, habits of mind, or habits of practice” (see the OCN competency explainer for more). I see competencies understood in this way as the link between my interests in learning, education, credentials and the world of employment and other activities. This builds on previous projects around Talent Marketplace Signalling, which I also did for the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

About the work

The OCN has two working groups: Advancing Open Competencies (AOC), which deals with outreach, community building, policy and governance issues, and the Technical Advisory Workgroup. My focus is on the latter. We have a couple of major technical projects, the Competency Explorer and the Data Ecosystem Standards Mapping (DESM) Tool, both of which probably deserve their own post at some time, but in brief:

Competency Explorer aims to make competency frameworks readily available to humans and machines by developing a membership trust network of open registries each holding one or more competency frameworks and enabling search and retrieval of those frameworks and their competencies from any registry node in the network.

DESM was developed to support data standards organizations—and the platforms and products that use those standards—in mapping, aligning and harmonizing data standards to promote data interoperability for the talent marketplace (and beyond). The DESM allows for data to move from a system or product using one data standards to another system or product that uses a different data standard.

Both of these projects deal with heterogeneous metadata, working around the theme of interoperability between metadata standards.

About my role

My friend and former colleague Shiela once described our work as “going to meetings and typing things”, which pretty much sums up the OCN work. The purpose is to contribute to the development of the projects, both of which were initiated by Stuart Sutton, whose shoes I am trying to fill in OCN.

For the Competency Explorer I have helped turn community gathered use cases into  features that can implemented to enhance the Explorer, and am currently one of the leads of an agile feature-driven development project with software developers at Learning Tapestry to implement as many of these features as possible and figure out what it would take to implement the others. I’m also working with data providers and Learning Tapestry to develop technical support around providing data for the Competency Explorer.

For DESM I helped develop the internal data schema used to represent the mapping between data standards, and am currently helping to support people who are using the tool to map a variety of standards in a pilot, or closed beta-testing. This has been a fascinating exercise in seeing a project through from a data model on paper, through working with programmers implementing it, to working with people as they try to use the tool developed from it.